Arroz Apastelado
If pasteles and arroz con gandules had a baby, this would be it!
By Carolina Ginorio | @caroginorio_pr
The culinary love child of pasteles and arroz con gandules, arroz apastelado is basically a Puerto Rican Christmas in a pot. Christmas season in PR usually lasts from mid-November to mid-January, and in my family we celebrate with multiple large gatherings centered around food. There’s usually a ton of effort that goes into those Christmas meals—a humongous task divided among family members working together to come up with the perfect spread. So if you need a quick pick-me-up to hold you over until the next big feast or just want a taste of Christmas in July, this rice is the perfect solution. Try this recipe, blast some Parranda music, and feel the holiday spirit wash over you—any time of the year.
About Carolina
My name is Carolina Ginorio, I was born and raised in San Juan, Puerto Rico. I use my love of food and my background in design to make videos that highlight how fun it is to cook and eat Puerto Rican food. I started cooking as a way to feel at home even when I was far away, so although I may not make it the way your abuela would, each bite is sure to transport you to my favorite island on the globe.